Junior Agents Marshmallow, Gatsby and Saffron reporting for first training
I,Agent Saffron, has liberated several issues of the FML from the computer
room...have been searching vainly for bananas and potatoes for training
exercises.  On performing recons,have located and stashed two remote
controls and one tub of iguana food.  We await further orders from the
senior agents on how to continue towards our prime directive.
Must sign off now as human is approaching computer....
Agent Saffron--
Human here--just as a side note, I have to strongly second Ronnie DiComo's
suggestion of the book "I'll Always Love You." I made the mistake of picking
it up at the local Zany Brainy (store for kids) and reading it right there.
I was crying by the time I finished it, handed it to my friend to read and
she began to cry too.  It must have been quite a sight, two childless people
way too old to be in that particular store anyway crying over a book.  But
despite that, absolutely a wonderful book.  It makes you stop and think what
is really important in the grand scheme of your day.  I don't know many
books written for adults that can do that, let alone one geared towards
Thanks for tolerating my off topic note, now I'm off to find those remotes
(heaven help me)
Laura, Gatsby, Marshie and Saffy
[Posted in FML issue 1511]