Been out sick for most of the week.  Temperatures over 103.  But all better
now.  Some might be happy.  Some might be sad...
>From:    Wayne Rothe <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Distemper: Question for the vets...
>The vet we went to said rabies shots are unnecessary as she's a house
>pet and doesn't encounter other animals.
This is both true and untrue.  Ferrets are extremely unlikely to get rabies.
BUT if there is an accident and your ferret scratches or bites someone (or
a scratch with a tooth) the rabies shot could save her life 'politically'.
>What is the purpose of the booster?  What happens if she doesn't get
>the booster or a yearly distemper shot?
Boosters create more antibodies just like the initial shot.  Testing is done
over a set period of time.  Maybe the ferret would still be immune.  Maybe
not.  A booster helps make it more likely to be safe.
>From:    Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Male in rut after mating?
>Do males remain in rut after mating with a female that was in heat?
Yes.  Just happier for a while.
>From:    Lea Statler <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Cataracts in young Ferrets
>We found this famale with a blueish look to her right eye.  We were told
>that she had a cataract.  Though l had hear that cataracts are commen in
>ferrets, I didn't think that it was something a young ferret could get.
It can happen quite young.
>The vet took a look at her eye and told us it wasn't a cataract at all,
>she had gotten scratch or something.
Dr. Kawasaki has been trying to track a thing that appears like a cataract
but isn't.  I forget exactly but something about a blood vessel to the
cornea that leaves a mark on the inside of the eye.  He's seen it (he
believes in the eyes of some of ours and others lately).
>From:    [log in to unmask]
>Subject: SC rabies laws
>SC is in the process of changing the laws from if a ferret bites someone,
>they put the animal to sleep, to if the ferret has had it's rabies shot,
>they will quarantine the animal.
They're finally getting around to telling the vets?  I reported this several
months ago.  Katie Sweeney (now aged 13) who was the one who pushed for
ferret legalization told me about this last year and I posted it for her
>From:    Clare Sebok <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: where to get Totally Ferret in MD
>Does anyone know where to buy Totally Ferret in central Maryland?
Call the American Ferret Association (301)663-6616.  They are headquartered
in Frederick Maryland.  I don't have a number but you could also try to get
ahold of the Central Maryland Ferret Fanciers.  They are associated with the
AFA to some extent and are based in Hagerstown Maryland.
>From:    [log in to unmask]
>Subject: A California Posting
>First of all, I have heard two different stories; one that ferrets and cats
>do not get along and that a ferret can kill a cat if it feels challenged.
>The other story is that they get along well if introduced correctly, just
>like a dog and a cat can.  What have been your experiences with this?
Our ferrets live in the coolest part of the house (they like that).  Our
cats are their roomates.  We just kind of tossed the cats into the basement
and let them deal with it.  (Okay we didn't actually 'throw' them.) Their
was no special effort made nor needed.  One of the cats particularly likes
to lean against the ferret cages and get groomed.
>My second question: do ferrets like to look out windows like cats do?
Not in our experience.  They don't seem to have great vision in general
but it might be 'selective' like their hearing.
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
[Posted in FML issue 1511]