Daisy came to live with me, my wife, and my 12-year-old daughter last June
at the age of about a couple of months; and while my wife was not at all
happy about a ferret moving in while she was in the hospital, they quickly
accepted each other.  Since her arrival, Daisy has had free run of my
daughter's bedroom, and has become box-trained quite well.  She has always
gotten along just fine with our German shepherd, and our eleven-year-old cat
tolerates her--barely.
My daughter and I decided that it was about time for Daisy to have a
roommate, so after some secret planning, baby Zeke came home today.  Once
again, my SO was none too pleased; but as I predicted, her reaction was much
LESS negative on the addition of a second ferret than it was when the first
one came.
I read almost everything that I could find about introducing a new, younger
ferret to an established one, and prepared for scruffing, hissing,
screaming, dragging, and general unpleasantness for at least a couple of
days.  But hey--it's been about six hours now, and there's been a lot of
sniffing, but Daisy seems to have accepted Zeke as an adopted brother!
Twice this evening, I went into the room and found the two of them emerging
from the same opening under a stack of dirty laundry (one of Daisy's
sanctuaries), Zeke carrying one of Daisy's sponge balls, and no incidents!
Is the worst yet to come? Or did we just get really lucky?
[Posted in FML issue 1510]