Well, maybe not the SKY, but the ceiling maybe.
Opus XII, a suspected FLO sympathizer, who is usually lost, and the subject
one search party or another, has exceeded his prior maxima with a new prank.
One day he was found standing on top of the refrigerator overseeing his own
search.  (I mean a slicky back with no parts, close to the wall
refrigerator, not one of those easily climbed things with the cooling fins
on the back)
This time after hours of looking for those funny scratchy noises that come
from nowhere, I looked UP, to see a ceiling tile cocked a little sideways,
and this little cinnamon furry head peeking through the crack all covered
with sawdust and lint, with that grin usually reserved for the opossum.
Another half hour spent grovelling and dripping Linatone in my own face, and
Opus returned home.
The ferrets have their own room, and their closet (fat chance) has double
sliding wood doors.  I figgered if I drilled a little hole through both
doors and inserted a nice finishing nail that any human could open those
doors, and no ferret would EVER move them.  Shucks, all that did was PO the
SO, who couldnt get in to get Opus OUT.
So if you don't think ferret-proof is an oxymoron, and you're real proud of
your ferret proofing skills, drop on by, I've got a real challenge for ya.
It can only be the FLO's official worm-hole through time and space.  (Space
is a hoax perpetrated by the sellers of time)
        Regards from the Dook-ee,  Bob
[Posted in FML issue 1509]