I am need of some expert advise and I knew I would be able to get here.  I
am a newly owned by a ferret Mookie ( only four months now).  This past
weekend I got 2 new fuzzies from the shelter here in RI, to keep my Mookie
company.  It could not have gone smoother with the introductions.  No
fighting at all, it was like they had been together since birth.  Orginally
when I went to the shelter I only wanted to get one friend for Mookie.  When
we got there they told my fiance' and I that they only had pairs available.
So with a lot of arm twisting, yeah right. ;-)  We adopted two sables 1
male(Toby) & 1 female(Sarah) about the same age as Mookie.  Everyone is
playing together and getting along great.  Yesterday the Sarah was very
list-less and letharigc.  The only time I saw her eat was very little @
9:30pm, when I got home from work.  My fiance' said she thinks she has been
eating all along.  She went to the bathroom also when I got home, and did a
little poop.  I became very concerned about a possible obstruction and
called the shelter 1st thing this morning, when Sarah was not any better.
They told me to isolate her from the boys, to get a better idea as to how
much she is eating and going to the bathroom.  She does seem to be drinking
a lot of water however.  I am going to call my vet's as soon as he opens.
Is there anything else I can be doing?  I have heard that linatone is used
to help obstuctions pass.  Should I be giving this to Sarah?  As of this
morning she is very alert, but wants to sleep all the time.  After the way
she has been dragging Mookie around all week, I am getting very nervous.
Please let me know if there is anything else I can do.  Thanks in advance.
Very Nervous & Frightened.
[Posted in FML issue 1509]