O.k. is it possible for a ferret to sleep too much?  When my roomate dropped
out of school I filled the bottom drawer of her dresser with towels and
blankets for her to play in.  I guessed I figured since she always tried so
hard to get into my drawers I would give her some pleasure in having her own
drawer.  Anyway, whenever I was in the room before I would keep her cage
open and she would be out playing the whole time, now all she ever wants to
do is sleep in her drawer.  She evem brings her favorite stuffed animal in
it to sleep with.  She doesn't even want to sleep on her hammock with her
big soft blanket on it anymore.  I don't know if anything is wrong with her
or if she just really likes the drawer.  What should I do, take the drawer
privilage away from her or limit it?  I don't want her to become an inactive
               -Kim (a concerned mommy)
[Posted in FML issue 1508]