Some of you may remember Psycho, our 3-year-old, deaf, jeep-pulling, potato
stasher.  A while ago he made what is possibly a record 21 consecutive,
uninterrupted (except for a scratch) potato runs from the kitchen to the
The other day I was in a grocery store and saw one of the biggest potatoes
I've ever seen in person. Cost me 48 cents. At .29/lb, figure it out.
When I got it home, Psycho freaked right out.  It took him a couple of
minutes to get it out of the potato bin, and then he couldn't even lift it
clear of the floor.  He dragged/bumped backwards it all the way to the
bedroom to join the others.
The point of this is, I'm convinced he's secretly a supplier of armaments to
the FLO.  He's stockpiling weapons.  But maybe somebody can explain to me
how exactly a ferret can use a potato against his enemy, other than leave it
to rot in an inconvenient place?
Stan, Terrie & Jen, with Mookie (getting his teeth cleaned today), Psycho,
Cecil & Cocoa in Toronto
[Posted in FML issue 1508]