>They either miss the box b/c they can't see it, or b/c they know I can't
>supervise them.
They know you can't supervise them!!  My Room is "PITCH" dark at night and
Katie always makes it down two ramps to the box, no problem.  But, there are
times that she misses durring the day, and I'm sure it's on purpose (FLO
maneuvers?) like when ever we have company and she has to stay in the cage
at a time when she's normally out!  These Ferts are getting just too smart,
it's spooky!
Speaking of SPOOKY!, I heard this wierd noise last night while reading in
bed.  It was a kind-of quiet-wheezie-rumble-thing, I got up to check the
pellet stove,Nope, not that, I checked in the bathroom?  No again.  So I
went back to bed, and there it was again, "WeeeezzzzzBrdrdrdrd".  So I got
up again, and half way to the door I heard it LOUDER!  The closer I leaned
to Katie's cage, the louder it got.  So, I turned on the overhead light, and
there she was, sleeping on her back curled into a circle, AND SNORRING!!!!
Ain't Ferts great!
Oh, Katie also has these "long fingers and almost Opposeable thumbs".  She
is quite a tallented cage climber too, maybe there is a connection?  She
also grips the tube of her water bottle with both "Hands" while
drinking.(no, it's not hung up too high)
Long Live the FLO!! (Kate made me type that)
Amy & Katie
"Here's dookin' at you Kit!"
[Posted in FML issue 1507]