Hello everyone...
Some of you may remember that i posted awhile back about my ferret, Molly,
who seems to have adrenal problems.  Well, in one of my posts i had just
gotten back from a trip to the Vet's office (a new Veterinarian, since the
last 4 i'd been too did not know very much about ferrets at all) and i said
"she was very good, actually, for a Canadian Vet."
Well, one FML-er just wrote to me, angry about my thoughtlessness in making
that statement and i agree that he has a point, so i just wanted to clear up
what i meant by that...
While Canadian Vet's, in my experience, are very compassionate, skilled, and
knowledgeable in dealing with many, many, other types of animals, they do
not know, generally speaking (i know there must be many exceptions out
there) very much about ferrets.  In fact, in a town where ferrets are
allowed as pets, SEVERAL of the Veterinary offices i called would not even
let me bring my ferrets in for a vaccine and check-up!  "We don't deal with
ferrets here", i was told, gruffly.  The ones who let me bring my fuzzies in
often had more questions for me, than answers...asking me very basic
questions about ferret care, life span, etc.  (which, obviously, made me
think, "Wow, this person really doesn't know anything about ferrets").
While i appreciated their curiousity, I would prefer that my Vet. already
%have% these answers.
The Vet. i am going to now admits she has never done adrenal surgery, but
she recognized that that was probably the problem with Molly before i ever
said anything.  She knew to check her vulva and just seemed unusually
knowledgeable.  She also went to a lot of trouble to consult with another
Vet.  (at Guelph University) about Molly.  She talked of some conferences
she had been too, some other more experienced Vet's she is in touch with,
and learning from, and this all made me feel a lot more confident.
That is why i said what i said.  i do not live near U.  of Guelph, but when
the time comes for Molly's surgery, that is where she will go.  In the
meantime, I am happy with my new Vet.  While she is still not a "ferret
Vet", she knows more about ferrets than any other i've been to so far, and
that is just a fact.  Canadian Vet's are (again, generally speaking) GREAT
people, they just don't know much about ferrets (and i don't even blame
them, completely, for this...ferrets just aren't as common up here...but i
would like to see a Vet. who at least knows the basics!!!)
i hope that clears things up.
Thanks for my first flame, now i really feel like one `o the gang!!!
President of SOFA
and Mom to Molly Mae and Leo.
[Posted in FML issue 1494]