Dear Theresa,
Mom, that baby deserved a raison just for being so cute!
Re:Ferret Nightmares-it is no more out of the ordinary for a ferret to have
a nightmare than for you or I!
Question:Does anyone else have a problem with their fuzzy trying to run away
all the time?  Lucy stakes out the doors and when we go to the vet or some
place she goes CRAZY the second that we get outside!  I keep telling her
that as soon as it gets warm I will take her out and let her play in the
grass and get a suntan but she still persists in trying to get out!  She is
making me feel like a bad mother!  I spoil her rotten!  She gets dibs on all
the food and toys in the house (because she is the baby), treats whether she
does something good or not, never gets in trouble for nipping (she climbs in
our bed at night and nips the inside of our knees) and lots of hugs and
kissies!  I haven't heard anyone else mention this behavior.  Please
enlighten me!  I know that it is normal to want to be out in the fresh air
and explore but you would think she was in prison!
"When Elephants Weep-the Emotional Lives of Animals"-A must read!  I am only
on the second chapter but already feel that this is a book that everyone
should read!  It is the kind of book that makes you say-YES!!!!  If you ever
wonder if your ferret remembers, thinks, loves, mourns, or has nightmares or
if you are a believer and just want to read a fantastic book that supports
your beliefs for a change do yourself a favor and go to your local book
store soon!
God Bless and Love to All,
        Irena...Lucy's mom
[Posted in FML issue 1506]