Hi Ya'll,
I now have a new address (as you can see) <grin> Good-bye long-distance
bills.  El Dorado has hit the big time.  A company from Wichita opened a
local line for us here.
Mostly, this is to thank everyone who has sent me encouragement and
suggestions concerning my three year old Tessa (diagnosed with
lymphosarcoma).  As an update, she is responding well to the isulodone and
the swelling in her abdomen is going down.  She is sleeping less and eating
better.  I even caught her playing with the big kids (she's the second to
oldest but has always been the tiniest).  You know how you can tell if you
have a "good" vet?  Print off everything you can find on the internet (Dr.
Williams' web page is a good start for info), including the responses from
our great net-vets and take it to your vet.  If he/she reads it and then
explains things to you, you know you got a keeper.
I think my Bandit and Crystal (aka White Witch) must have been recruited by
FLO and I didn't know such an organization existed until now.  If you are
missing anything soft and cuddly (he loves stuffed animals) then Bandit is
responsible and you look behind the couch.  If it is pen/pencil shaped
and/or my headband Crystal is to blame and again search behind the couch!
Luckily they are conistent and their first choice of hiding areas is the
couch.  The other three don't steal anything!  So maybe this is just a
personality quirk?  Or is it because they are the youngest?  They are both 2
yrs.  Anyway I'll be monitoring them to see if they start showing any other
type of FLO behavior.  Bandit does insist on wanting to type when I'm
on-line is this something to be worried about?  BTW what does FLO stand for?
Again, thanks for the help & humor!
Teri & Crew (Buddy, Tessa, Crystal, Bandit, & Rascal)
[Posted in FML issue 1505]