I just loved your personal resolution for biters.  How true!
We had one rescue come in last fall who had jaws of steel and viciously bit
anyone who tried to handle him.  It took me about 2 months of working with
him on a daily basis, using the same techniques you listed, and now he is a
love.  He is not a kissy face ferret, but he is very gentle.  He was an
abuse case and is pretty much blind.  I didn't know what to expect with
him, but with patience and consistency he has changed and it definitely was
worth it!
He's a super-sensitive guy and wouldn't hurt anyone or anything now.
Sometimes when he's doing his weasel war dance and hopping around I'll put
my hand on his back to tickle him.  He'll put his teeth on my hand and all I
have to do is say "easy" and he stops.  He looks at me with his big blind
eyes and stops everything.  I then say "it's ok", and he goes back to
playing again.  It may be because he's so blind that he thinks it's another
ferret playing with him, until he hears my voice.  He's very gentle with the
other ferrets too.
Again, thanks for putting it in writing.  It does work.  They know the
difference between a prior bad situation a new loving home.  It may take
time, but it's well worth the effort.
[Posted in FML issue 1505]