I was very interested in the message concerning the selling ages for young
ferrets.  As the person mentioned, I too have encountered in my travels to
local pet shops, some rather "young" ferrets on the market.  Some are as
young as 5/6 wks of age.  I (and I'm sure many others) would not purchased
any animal of less than 8 wks, but others certainly will.  Is it advisable,
is it legal, to sell such young babies?  If it's not other than raising a
terrific public stink in the store (get a few friends to help you by going
in at different times to re-enforce the message), what recourse do we ferret
defenders have?
Raising a public stink in the store does work well though.  My 2 sisters and
I tried with a little help from some friends this past Xmas time with a
Woolworth's that was FILTHY!!  We can proudly save that since that time,
each of the times we have visited since, cages are remarkably cleaner and
not nearly so crowded, and we have no seen ill or injured animals/birds
being ignored by staff or out on the floor to be sold to the unsuspecting
Thanks to the group
[log in to unmask] - Do the world a favor, visit your local animal
shelter and adopt a pet.
[Posted in FML issue 1505]