Hello everyone-
Recently, I was thinking about procuring another fuzzy bundle and when I
called my apartment office to ask if I would have to pay another pet
deposit, I was told that ferrets were not domesticated in the sense of
normal animals(?!?!?!?!?!?!?) and that I should look elsewhere for an
apartment.  The woman who told me that did not know that I already had two
ferrets in my possession and I was reluctant to say anything for fear of
getting booted from my apartment.  So in response I have reported a
disrimiation complaint with the BBB and am going to send a well written
letter to the management with as many facts as I can get.  What I need from
you is facts about the number of ferrets attacking humans, esp versus dogs
and any other relevant facst I can get my hands on.  References would be
thank you.
Wade (Tass and Zhoro)
[Posted in FML issue 1505]