Hi All,
At this point I am most truly amazed at the people on the FML!  When I wrote
asking about suggestions on how to get people in Idaho to join FANG I truly
meant it as just that.  Instead I got a real surprise in having a lot of you
out there write to me and then join FANG.  I think I may still be in shock
from the outpouring of concern and love for our wonderful critter children
and their welfare everywhere.  I had no idea that opening up my heart and
admitting FANG was having some troubles would result in something so
wonderful happening.
I have to tell you all just how great some people can be.  As you know FANG
asks for only $10 year for out of state members.  Well, I think you'll
understand my amazement when one after another checks came in for more than
that amount!  First there was one for $15, then one for $20 and others
besides those.  The truly amazing thing was when I opened an envelope to
find the following: A membership form, a letter stating that this lady's
ferrets also wanted to help.  They had gathered up all their toys and hidden
treats to have their Mommy send them to Idaho to help us.  Well their Mommy
explained that what we really needed was that old stuff called money.  So
they encouraged their Mommy to send a little extra from them.  To my utter
amazement I found inside a check not for the $10 that we ask for but for
$40!!  My Mom was over at that moment and we both began to cry.  I have not
been brought to tears because of someones kindness & generosity in a very
long time.  I would name all these wonderful folks but feel that is
something private that they did and if they would like to share their names
they can tell you that themselves or give me permission to do so.  I have a
feeling that as wonderful as they are they might prefer to stay anonymous.
I just had to tell you all how truly fantastic some people out there really
are.  I hope I can surround myself with people like these for the rest of my
life.  They not only love those furry children of ours but they care enough
to send their hard earned money to a small, new club to keep us going.  WE
ARE PRIVILEDGED TO HAVE SUCH MEMBERS!  (sorry to shout but I feel very
strongly about these great people) So to those of you out there struggling
as FANG is, keep up your hopes for the future.  Don't give up because when
it seems the darkest some person out there will send a bright ray of hope
and help to you.  I have been blessed to have many such people respond to
FANG in it's darkest moment.  I am full of hope and confidence for the
future now, thanks to them.  It's awfully hard to feel hopeless when people
like that reach out their hands and their pocketbooks to you.  Worry not,
the money will be put to the best of uses, helping little ferrets in need
wherever we can!  THANK YOU ALL once again, we feel great love for you and
are proud you are now members of FANG!  LONG LIVE FANG and all other ferret
clubs in the world!
      Kelleen & the INSANE Animal House
[Posted in FML issue 1505]