Hi All,
Well my little lost bunny is doing great!  Thank the Great Spirit.  She
seems unharmed by the incident that befell her.  Yes, I do believe it is a
she.  I looked in the appropriate area and she seems to have the plumbing
for a girl<G>!  She didn't even fight me when I inspected her.  She is
obviously a very tamed & lovable bunny.  I believe her to be a Netherland
Dwarf as she has that coloring and is that size.  My Mom saw her and thought
that too.  Also David saw her and agrees as well.  I read up on info.  David
found for me and many others from the FML that were so kind as to write me
in my hour of need.  THANK YOU to all of you that wrote, it was much
appreciated.  I found in my readings that all veggies are pretty good in
limited quantities except for lettuce.  It apparently contains arsenic and
can be lethal plus it has no nutritional value.  So far the little one I now
call Snuffles has munched away on carrot, broccoli, cauliflower and her
absolute favorite Bok Choy!  Boy the things we won't do for our furry
friends, I have never in my life even considered buying Bok Choy until I
read they like it and it is OK for them.  So far only one call has come in
to the Humane Society and they said an all white bunny and they live too far
away I believe for this to be their bunny.  I will keep the sweetie until
the owner calls or I will place ads looking for the owner.  If that is
unsuccessful I will just put in an ad looking for an adoptive family.  I
cannot possibly bring myself to drop this wonderful little girl off at the
pound.  I could not rest until I know she has a loving, caring home.  So
worry not, FANG is now in the process of it's first bunny adoption<GG>!
Wish us luck!  Also worry not for I shall NOT be keeping her.  She is scared
to death of the ferrets and if one accidentally sneaks in the room and gets
near the cage where it can be seen I hear the loudest THUMPING you have ever
heard<G>.  I do not allow the ferts in this room now since I sure don't want
Snuffles scared anymore than she already has been.
Anyone else got a severely jealous fert?  I tell you, that Lightstar will
definitely keep me to my word of not adding to the INSANE 10.  He will
actually stalk down the newcomers and attack them.  He does not give up.  He
tried to get the little guy for adoption that is here named BO.  He was
stalking and chasing him until Bo did a quick flip around and lost him.  I
then grabbed Bo up while Light was confused and snuggled on the couch while
Light continued his stalk/search for the next 20 minutes!  Talk about a one
track mind.  He absolutely does not like sharing his Mommy with so many
others.  When he gets in these moods he will also strike out at the last of
the newest kids I personally adopted.  Being Tribble, Pearl and OTEE.  I
even found a boo boo on Tribble tonite when I saw some yuck stuck in his
fur.  I had to wash it out with warm water and found what I believe to be a
puncture wound from a bite that was rather large and bleeding again from my
messing with it.  Put some Colloidal on it and will put some of the
Colloidal salve on it a bit later.  When I take OTEE in for his Rabies shot
soon I will also take him along for a look see.  Hope it heals up OK.  Any
other suggestions out there?  BTW the reason the shelter kid has a name is
that his to be new Mommy has named him that.  All we are waiting for is her
income tax return to arrive.  Shoul have been here already but it isn't.
Sure hope it comes soon.  I hate having to deal with all this tyrant
behavior from Lightstar whenever a stranger enters the house.  I keep
telling him he will leave soon but he refuses to listen and believe.  After
all I did tell him the 3 I just placed were only visiting and they left
rather quickly so he should know I am telling the truth<G>!  HEY ODIE AND
TATER!  I think you guys and all other ferts out there should write to
Lightstar and tell him to calm down and that his Mommy is telling him the
truth.  Bo will be leaving as quickly as it can be arranged.  Thanks to all
ferts willing to drop Light a line.  Well enough rambling, TNT!  (till next
*      Kelleen & the INSANE Animal House              *
*      President and Founder of F.A.N.G.              *
*      (Ferret Association of Neverending Glee)       *
*      Boise, Idaho                                   *
*      [log in to unmask]                                 *
*   I'll take a good animal over a good mate anyday!  *
*   All they want is lots of love and great chow.     *
*         Idiocy is our only option!                  *
*     Dustin Hoffman from movie Outbreak              *
[Moderator's note: Lettuce is junk food for them, I hear, but I think
arsenic is not poisonous to rabbits!  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 1505]