To my most favorite fellow FML'ers:
What follows may seem out of character for those of you who you that knows
me to be what I are (a crazy old fert (sp?) who likes to write stupid, funny
stories), but I am so upset that I just felt I had to share my feelings.
Yesterday, someone made mention in the FML about "Breaking Laws".  This is
in NO way intended to encourage a flame war or an e-mail bomb attack on that
individual (his name has been changed to 'FML Contributor' to protect the
innocent), but it IS meant to hopefully encourage each of you to question
some of the "Well-This-Is-Just-The-Way-It-Is" kinda thoughts we all ends up
with in our heads.
Please, just read what follows and sit real comfortable with it, and wonder
if'n there might bit just a little bit of truth in what I's sayin'.
Thanks in advance for this here little bit of editorial space on the ol'
Ken Loomis
FML Contributor,
I'm sure your mailbox is already full from that one.  I sympathize with you
and doubt that you'll ever see this.  Someone on the FML dropped a 14 mByte
mail bomb in my e-mailbox after I mentioned I bought Marshall Farms ferrets.
I lost almost 2 days of mail trying to get that cleaned up.
I'd just like to say this though about your "You don't get a law changed by
breaking it" comment.  I'm on the fence with that, but I seem to recall that
that is exactly what the Boston Tea Pary and "Civil Disobedience" were all
Now I completely agree that jeopardizing the life of a fuzzy is beyond
reproach and I personally couldn't do it.  But I think there is plenty of
historical precedence in this country to suggest that maybe you should
reconsider your statement.
Now I do NOT want to start a flame war here, but I seem to re-call an
instance where someone refused to ride in the back of the bus and that
single *ILLEGAL* act has, or, at least started, to change the way we all
look at other human beings.  (Yes, I KNOW there were others and I do know
we're not done with that part of America's evolution toward Freedom For All
[excuse me, I am a southern white male], but it was part of the first step).
But, FML Contributor, there just comes a time when "WE THE PEOPLE" have NO
other choice but to break *STUPID* laws to get them changed.
FML Contributor, this is just my humble opinion, but NOTHING else I have
ever read on the FML has made me this motivated to respond.
Guessin' I'm just a crazy old fart,
BTW:  Bilbo & Missy are still sleepin', so I ain't been able to ask if'n
they agree with this here editorial opinion of mine, so's I can't include
them in my normal sign-off.
[Posted in FML issue 1501]