I just wanted to thank whoever it was that mentioned the Redwall series by
Brian Jacques.  I love it!!!  I'm almost done with the first one and I
bought the next four yesterday.  I'm really enjoying them even though the
ferrets are the "bad guys" in the books ;)
Congratulations Massachusetts Ferrets!!!!  Way to go!!
         Yumm... Linatone!            Yumm... Raisins!
  "---"  /                     "---"  /
 (=o=o=)                      (=o"o=)
   \o/   _---_                  \*/   _---_
   /=\__/     \______           / \__/     \______
  _|_|----_|_|------           _|_|----_|_|------
      Trillian                       Zaphod
[Posted in FML issue 1501]