Hi!  I have been lurking for some time now and have really enjoyed reading
everyone's stories and questions.  I guess it's time I stop lurking...
I am owned by four little sweeties, Symon, Shoester, Sebastian, and the
latest Sylvester.  Vester joined our house about 2 months ago from a shelter
in the area.  He is really the lover of the bunch.  They are all between 1
and 2 years old.
My question is, Vester had been exposed to ECE before I got a hold of him
and I realized that in doing so he would expose the other three to ECE as
well.  As it turns out only Symon has come down with a dose of ECE thus far
and that was about two weeks after Vester came into the fold.  Shoester and
Sebastian haven't shown any symptoms.
Can I hope that they won't ever?  I've been reading a lot about ECE to be
prepared and I think I read somewhere there is a possible 4 month gestation
time.  Does this mean that if I don't see the "greenies" in the next two
months I can forget about them?
I know questions about ECE are raised all the time and I apologize if these
questions have been asked and answered, but I was wondering.  Now that I
have broken the ice of lurking, maybe I will actively participate!!
Thanks, JLS#
[Posted in FML issue 1500]