Well, I decided to just plain open up their cage for the very first time
tonight.  Normally, I open it and pick these two up to let them have some
well supervised freedom.  Bilbo was out in less than a second, but Missy
seemed confused.  After a minute or so, Bilbo climbed BACK in the cage, as
if to say, "Follow, me, it's play time.  Weeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" and out they
BOTH came.  I'll keep my FML friends updated as I alternate between the
serious, important work here at the computer, and the computer stuff I get
paid for.  Hmmmmm?  Did any of you think the "serious, important" stuff had
anything to do with my job?  In the famous WORD of Maynard G.  Krebs
Disclaimer:  My sincerest apologies to early, and/or, pre, babyboomers for
the above gag, "Maynard G.  Krebs" was an early TV character that some of us
thought was kinda cool.  (OK, so there were only two of us that thought
that, and if'n you're the other one of us listening to this, please e-mail
me, real quicken like, 'cause we's getting really out numbered).  Anyhows,
if'n you don't know who Maynard is, ask your folks, or, any other stuffy old
ferts that you think don't knows how to laugh.  You'll learn yourselves
different just by askin' about Maynard.  'lessen o' course they realy are
"stuffy old ferts".
In those famous words of MacCarther:  "I will be back"
Introducing, Tah-dah, The Famous Flyin' Long-mouse Ferts:
I promise I really did do a little bit of work before I sat on the floor to
play with these two.
They have decided they belong in the circus.  One of their favorite new
games is to climb up my back while I'm sitting cross-legged on the floor,
they sniff my hair a little, then HURL themselves thru the air toward the
bed.  Sometimes they make a flawless performance, sometimes not.  Their
"Almost-Made-It-This-Time-Dad' attempts have convinced me that I will not be
buying any fancy, new "Don't-Scratch-On-That" bedspreads for a while.
Yes, Bill & Mary, I do have a deadline.  But I WILL be back.
Drawers?  Drawers?!?!?! DRAWERS!!!!!!!!!!!!
I been done hearin' 'bout how much ferts loved drawers, ('specially ones
with socks in 'em), but I guess, liken's every other new "Ain't-I-Smart"
fert servant, I figured I'll never have to deal with that kinda problem
(fun?) 'causin I always keep MY drawers closed.
How comin' my FML buddies never told me that even a closed drawer ain't
ferret proof?
OK, Boss.  I promise to get right back to work as soon as I get these two
outta my (Oh, my gawd!!!!) SOCK drawer and teaches them that socks don't
belong in no hidey-hole.
Well, Ain't I just 'bout as lucky as you kin get.
Bilbo done climbed hisself right back in that cage of his and backed his
little behind right up in the corner, and ........  well, I don't guesses I
has to tells you what he did in that corner.  It weren't in that special box
I done bought him, but at least that corner of HIS cage is sure easier to
clean than that corner of MY apartment he been usin'.  Maybe I should just
leaves their cage wide open more often.
OK, Missy, OK!!!!!  I know if'n I don't get this here 'puter project done,
I cant's afford those treats you likes so much.
Well, that's it you two!!!!
I just took a break and leaned on the bed to play with these two crazies.
Missy climbed on my head and tried to distract me.  I almost didn't notice
that Bilbo had grabbed my pen and was heading under the bed (his favorite
hidey-hole) with it.  I know, I know.  I don't need no pen to do this 'puter
project, but I do need it to sign the invoice and that's hows I gets paid.
If'n I could ever figgers out how to get paid for sharin' giggles (likes I's
hopin' I'm doin' with my 'second' best buddies here on the FML), I'd guess I
just 'bout found myself in Heavin'.  We's kin always hope can't we.
Ken & the (now back in custody  :-(  & sound asleep) ferts, Bilbo & Missy
[Posted in FML issue 1500]