Hi All, My first question is why do ferrets drink thier own urine.  I have a
23 year old female, I noticed her licking it up.  Then just now I notived my
4.5 year old male doing the same thing..  Is there something they are
missing in there diet?  I maintain a clean enviorment (as much as possible)
and make sure they have plenty of water and food.  I feed them purina
cat/kitten chow, ( they wont eat iam's, and throw up Science Diet and
The next is dry skin.  I noticed that the seem to itch alot, no fleas and
they are bathed 1 a week.  It is very dry here, so I am assumeing its the
dryness theat causes them to itch..  any Ideas?
PJ's....  hmmm, browsing throught the letter's I noticed Pj's, my male
(above) was purchased from pj's, and I must admit, I have no problem with
him.  He is an excellent animal (not that they have anything to do with the
upbrnging) but his temperment is great, I have 6 ferrets, and he is extremly
well tempered compared to the others....But I thnk this problem of ferret
handling at store is well the same everywhere, the places I have seem are
underinformed, cages suck, etc....  hmmm to bad we cant stop the selling to
ferrets at stores, and leave it = to the proper people to handle it..
Just my thought.....
[Posted in FML issue 1499]