Well, I finally did it!  I went into my Vets office and asked to make an
appt.  to get Katie vaccinated for Distemper and Rabies.  ( I had been told
over the phone a year ago that Oregon did not approve Rabies Vacc.  for
Ferrets) Well they said it again, "Oregon does not have an approved rabies
vacc.for Ferrets".  So I very nicely said "Yes they do, Imrab 3 has been
approved for years in Or." So off the Tech went to the cooler to check, and
came back with the box that said it was approved for Ferrets.  So I made the
appt.  for this afternoon.  When the Vet came into the exam room, the first
thing she said was "(you guessed it)", so I went through my line again and
she went out to have the receptionest make a call.  When she came back she
said "well you were right, I guess I just got behind on my info." So, Katie
got her shots!  She didn't mind the shots as much as she did the
THERMOMETER!  Then I offered to make her a copy of the Ferret FAQs and she
said she would LOVE to have me drop it by.  She currently only sees maybe 20
Ferts a year, but she would appreciate any new info I could Provide.  I like
her attitude!  I think she's a keeper!
Sorry for running on so,but I thought A good Vet story would be nice to
share.  OH, I also just realized I was a day early on my "Happy Ferret
Independance Day" message,(I still had the Feb.  callendar up, OOPS!)
            HAPPY FERRET INDEPENDANCE DAY, MASS.!!!!!   (again)
Here's Dookin' at you Kit!
Amy and Katie.( Who was it said somethin' 'bout "cold thin's in warm places,
an' sharp thin's in soft places....I un'erstand now!)
[Posted in FML issue 1499]