Are there any ferret shelters or breeders in Michigan, or other nearby
states?  My husband and I are looking for a possible fourth ferret, and
having heard that big ferts (hefty 4-6-pounders) do exist (from hobs that
have been neutered at the later age of 6 months or so), would like to add
one to our brood of fuzzies.  Also, the store manager (and fert owner) of a
pet store we go to for fuzzy food has mentioned that Marshall Farms has come
out with new variations on ferret colors, including "apricot".  Does anyone
have any information on this?  Does Marshall Farms sell to individuals as
well as to pet stores?  Is there a # we can call to talk to them if they do?
We're kinda looking for a ferret of the following description:
  neutered male, 14 weeks - 1 year old, big (3.5-6 pounds)
  must be sweet, non-biting, friendly
  panda pattern, silver, silver mitt, albino, butterscotch, or DEW color.
Those with any leads/information/ferrets for adoption/sale??? please reply
either on the list, or pref. in email to: [log in to unmask]
                                Martin & Anna
                        Molly, Mithril, and Obelix
P.S. = Possible name: "Cookie Monster"??? =P
[Posted in FML issue 1499]