Something hit us at home.  The majority of the group has diarrhea and
vomiting.  Nancy bought a new kit on Sunday and this hit on Tuesday.  Mugsy
(the kit - black sable) is fine, shows no signs of being ill.  Whatever it
is caused vomiting (whatever they'd eaten) and mucousy diarrhea ranging in
colors from brown, dark forest green, pea green, light green and yellow.
I've got them all on Amoxi, and Kaopectate for those I see with the diarrhea
or vomiting.  They are all still eating and I'm fixing my special recipe for
them morning and night to encourage extra eating.  Gary H.  sent a herbal
nutritional supplement which I'm adding to the mixture.  Oh, they take the
Kaopectate easily, actually don't mind it.  After Nancy tried to medicate
Randa and they both ended up with it all over them (Randa looked pretty cute
with all these little globs of pink all over her beautiful little face) I
switched to the Kaopectate.  Vomiting was less this morning but still lots
of diarrhea.  I cleaned and bleached litterboxes, the ones they are using
and I'll need to rent a steam cleaner for the carpet.  (sigh)
Poor, poor babies.  A co-worker has it too and my dogs aren't feeling well
either so whatever it is, is not species specific.
Dr. Snyder thought influenza (dogs?).  We went through a bottle of generic
pedialyte last night and I left two bowls full today.  Marley seemed the
worst yesterday and I had to force him to take the medicine and generic
pedialyte last night but he did lap the Lil Friskies water, a good sign, and
he looked better this morning.  Hopefully only a 24-48 hour bug.  Some were
up running around this morning.
Please send energy!
Hugs to all tle.
[Posted in FML issue 1499]