From:  Sr. Agent Shiney moe Fritz
Reinforcentments have arrived!
We call him Jack Burton.  He is only 6 weeks old, so he has a lot to learn.
Upon his arrival, Jr.  Agent Veronica has been promoted to the rank of
Agent.  She has been placed in charge of Jr.  Agent Jack Burton's field
training.  So far, she has begun in-cage survival tactics such as sparring,
eating, and sleeping.  Veronica and Jack Burton spar almost constantly, and
the training has put Veronica "out of the loop" for awhile.
With the time she has left, Veronica does a fine job of taunting FDI agent
"Pablo" from the basement.  There is a small crack under the door to the
basement through which Veronica can fit most of her head.  This crack is
guarded fiercely by "Pablo," and he is enraged by the fact that Veronica can
nip at his paws, but he can do nothing to retaliate!  Small victories are
sometimes the most pleasing and rewarding.
While overseeing this, I have been taking broad strokes to further the goals
of FLO in our area.  Regretfully, one of my proudest accomplishments was
recently thwarted!  I managed to confiscate what my humans call a "Road
Whiz." (Don't ask how, the process was difficult and most certainly
life-threatening.) I secreted it away while colleenmom was in the water-tub
and stashed it under the couch.  But alas!  One day when she was looking for
me and Veronica, she discovered it and reclaimed it!  I haven't been able to
find it again, but I am a driven ferret!  I don't need to tell the rest of
you agents how useful a tool can be that can divine all of the most
frequently-used human roads!
Drat!  I'm about to be discovered!  I must away from here!  More to come....
"Rise up, Rise up!  The potato chips will be OURS one day!  All of them!"
[Posted in FML issue 1498]