To: Stephanie Ann Maehr
Check out the Disease FAQ's for info on ECE.  Supportive care is the most
important consideration.  Try to locate someone in your area who has dealt
with it (club/shelter/or?) they can offer advice or feel free to E-mail me
directly if you need further help, I have been through it with 18 ferrets.
All are okay now.
To: Wes Woods
Check out the Disease FAQ's for info on Insulinoma and locate a good ferret
vet in your area to handle the treatment.
For anyone needing to locate a vet, club, shelter, or other ferret related
organizations, check out the Ferret Digest #1487 toward the end for
instructions on tracking one down yourself, no matter where you are.  It is
not too difficult and can save so much heartache if you will take the time
to locate a good ferret vet.  I suggest you do this ahead of time, instead
of waiting until there is a problem.  I also strongly recommend that you
contact ALL the ferret organizations in your area/ or your entire state as
they can be an invaluable source of help and information.  Most "ferret
people" are eager to help another, no matter the situation and you can make
some wonderful friends that way.
[Posted in FML issue 1497]