I have posted a letter before about introducing one ferret to another and
thank you for all the information from everybody.  But I still think I have
a problem because the little one likes to bite my 2 year old.
This is what happens: I put them together in the bathroom, where I can watch
them.  The little one about 12 weeks old likes to run and jump and push over
my 2 year old.  I know this is play but then they bite each other and the 2
year old hisses all the time.  When I put them in the same cage the little
one just goes crazy.  When they bite each other there is no blood.  If I
hold one in one hand and the other in the other hand and I put their heads
next to each other the little tries to bite.  I was just wondering how they
play.  Do they bite each other?  They don't ever seem to calm down and go to
sleep.  I have been putting them together for about 4 weeks.  PLease email
if anyone has any information on them playing together.
(stinky and slinky)
[Posted in FML issue 1496]