Hi everybody,
I hadnt intended to write anymore about Bunni but David Darrah's note on his
"vengeful" ferret Spaz made me think of a funny story.  First tho...Thank
You to all who took the time to write a note about my losing little Bunni.
I responded to you all personally already but publicly I want to say again
how much better your kind words made me feel.  Im no different from anyone
else when it comes to losing a pet and I cry along with every one who shares
their stories Im grateful you allow me to share mine.  I fully intend to
find another fuzzie very soon because - Dammit - I miss cold noses on my
face while Im sleeping and uprooted plants and missing shoes
On to the funny story.....Does it seem to anyone else how you name your pet
affects their behavior?  I know most times we name our pet BECAUSE of their
behavior but one time I was at the video store with Rabbit and a teenage
girl came over to me and said " Is that a ferret?  We had one of those once
and it was mean".  "Oh really" I said "Well I cant speak for all ferrets but
mine is very sweet and gentle" We continued talking for a moment and she
asked me what my ferrets name was and I said "Bunni Rabbit, what was yours?"
"Hitler" she replied.
[Posted in FML issue 1523]