---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Here we go again.  I've had some problems with mail bouncing back from some
folks so I guess I'm not holding my mouth quite right when I send the PML
out.  I've had to split the list into two batches because it's gotten so
large.  Maybe that's the problem.  Maybe, someday, I'll learn how to drive
this pooter and make it do what I want it to.  Maybe I'll win the powerball.
Who knows?
In a feeble attempt to get back to the original intent of the PML, I'm going
to try to respond to as many of you as I can in the time available to me.
Please don't be offended if I don't mention your letter specifically.  The
flu bug has put a major hurting on Ol' Paw Paw and I'm finding it very hard
to shake.  Please understand that i've fallen so far behind on mail that I
will never catch up.  Take solace in the fact that you are recieving this
and, therefor, know that I care.  OK here goes.
Dr Karen: So, when are you going to stop by for dinner?  It's not my fault
that my mail to you has been bouncing all over the place and making me dizzy
(Gosh, I hope I got your address fixed THIS time).  I've laid in a special
supply of TV Dinners and Pot Pies for us to feast upon.  I even went to the
Feet Store and bought some feets so we can let them stand for the proper
amount of time.  Yum!
David: Long time no hear, Dude.  I know that I've been really bad about
writing lately but please don't let that discourage you.  I have the Rainbow
Bridge thing you sent framed and hanging on the den wall.  Thank you so much
for sending it.  Let us hear from you.
Jeri: Not to worry about cancelling your Compuserve membership.  I'll send
my stories and poems directly to you as they is writ.  Much love to the
Furry Four.
Kit and Amber: Hey there, 'Miss Paisley", glad you are feeling better.  You
hang in there and feel even better still.  You have a bunch of folks here in
Atlanta who love you very much and hope that you are with us for a very long
time.  Don't worry about trying to be a lady anymore.  You've earned the
right to be anything you dang well please to be.  Tell Bear that we hope he
gets over his case of Barerumpitis very soon.  Dang, Kit, hope that bump on
the head from the car wreck is doing OK.  I got my head bumped once but the
doctor didn't find anything when he Xrayed it.  Hope you fare better.
Jean: You hang in there with Sasha and Katy.  I'm sure that they will work
things out eventually.  Listen to the advice that the FML'ers have given
you.  Use what works and say thanks for the rest.  You might want to
correspond with Kelleen about the matter if you haven't already.  She's very
knowledgeable about introducing ferrets to each other.  She wrote the
current entry in Pam's FAQ on the subject and I'm sure that she has some
advice that space limitations forced her to leave out of it.  Yes, it has
been an EXTREMELY long winter and I, for one, am really tired of it.  I can
imagine how you must feel up there.  You are welcome.  I will always be glad
to let you bend my ear.  You are good people.
Karen: Thanks for the nice note.  Sorry that there is nothing new on your
end.  Maybe you should add a new fuzzbean to your family.  That should liven
things up a bit!  You are always in my prayers and thoughts also.  Thanks
for caring.  Peace (and a few carrots) to you.
Kelleen: Re: 'Paw Paw WHERE ARE YOU' - I are here.  I are still alive.  You
know how I feel.  Glad that Rocki is home and doing well.  Take two aspirin
and write me in the morning.  PS: Mee Maw just walked in and handed me the
mail.  Guess what I done got?  WOW!  my first FANG newsletter and official
membership application.  I AM IMPRESSED!  Excellent newsletter.  Maybe I
should withdraw my offer to write something for it.  You guys are much
better than I can ever hope to be.  BTW, did you ever get our dues check?
It went out early last week.  Let me know if it did not get there and we'll
send another one.  In the event that you recieve two checks from the Paw Paw
man and Mee Maw Lady, don't worry about it.  Keep them both and put them to
good use.  Let me know.
Bob Church: Hey, Dude, are you OK?  Haven't heard from you in a long time.
Tater is still looking for his NIckname certificate.  Don't worry about it
too much though.  Now that he has Odie to play with he's given up on
stashing snailpersons in the hall closet.
Bill and Zen: Thanks for the help you gave Kelleen regarding Rocki.  Your
advice and knowledge are always welcomed and appreciated.  BTW, since you
are into the Zen thing, I have a question for you.  If a ferret poops and
does not poop in the litter box, and no one is there to see him poop, does
the ferret really poop?  Let me know.
As I said in my note to Kelleen, Mee Maw is home and is glaring over my
shoulder.  She wants her pooter so she can go back to work.  Guess this will
have to end this edition of the PML.  Sorry.  My apologies to everyone who
got left out this time.  Maybe, some year, I'll be able to catch up.  In the
meantime, rest assured that all of your letters are read and appreciated.
Thank you for all of them.  Until next time,
Your friend and fellow ferret lover,
Paw Paw
PPPSSS: SPECIAL NOTE TO SUE ANDERSON: Compuserve got really confused over
all your address changes.  My mail to you has been dancing off the walls
worse than a ferret.  Please send your new address again so I can get it
into my address book.  Thanks.
[Posted in FML issue 1522]