In response to the posts about people sleeping with their ferrets i just had
to mention that, yes, my two little ones let me share the bed with them at
night.  And Molly, (the-sweetest-little-ferret-that-ever-did-dook), is sooo
cute.  Whenever she gets up in the middle of the night to do her business,
before she crawls back under the covers, she always gives me little
good-night kisses.  Of course, this wakes me up 2 or 3 times a night...but
it is well worth it.  Sometimes she stands right on my face while she is
kissing me!!
Leo, on the other hand...well, i'm just gland when he goes to sleep and
stops trying to burrow into my pillow case!
Bye all!
Co-founder of SOFA and
Mom to Molly and Leo.
[Posted in FML issue 1495]