In response to "Hunter, Theresa" <[log in to unmask]>, asking for fert
stuff to make at home:
When I lived in Connecticut, I had 8 (count 'em eight) ferts, and they all
needed their own space sometimes. I made small "houses" for them.
The houses should be at least as large as a shoebox.  I used regular pine
lumber, nailed together, leaving the lid off the top.  I cut 2 holes - one
on top, one on the side, each about 3" in diameter.  I then covered the
entire inside with carpeting, hot-glued with lots of glue (especially around
the edges and in corners).  I cut the carpeting from over the holes, then
nailed the top on.  I then covered the outside with carpeting.  For extra
peace-of-mind, after nailing the top on, I cut another hole in the top,
large enough for an entire fert to be lifted out.  (I had fert fights once
in a while!!!) Do this at an angle, like you're cutting the top off a
jack-o-lantern, so that you can lift it up and put it back without it
falling into the house.
Fill it with old facecloths etc...  They'll love it!
P.S. Be careful of stray bits of glue and slivers...
-Jon Ehlen
Ferrets Anonymous
Santa Clara Chapter
[Posted in FML issue 1493]