Sometimes we need to talk of the Unsung Ferret Hero's, - I'm sure some of
you have met them - they don't own ferrets, sometimes they don't have any
animals - but there hearts are so very big and they love all animals.  These
Hero's don't express there love with words - they express it with action.
So here goes.
As you all know the Head Shelter Ferret at the Ferret Friends of Indian
River County International is L.K.  (Loving Kindness).  We'll L.K.  was
really named after the man who enabled Ferret Friends of Indian River County
International to be born (he gave us the seed money to get it started).
Also this man (our Hero) was the one that really created Ferret Friends
Disaster Response International (FFDRI) by allowing his employee (Chere
McCoy) to take over six weeks off to respond to the Cutler Ridge Shelter in
Miami, FL after Hurricane Andrew blew it away.  L.K.  (our hero) continues
to support both FFIRCI and FFDRI
Just so you will understand just what type of person our Hero truly is, I
will relate this story.
In 1992 my boss sent me to California.  My job was to help set up a new
company.  Originally I was scheduled to be there only one week.  One week
spread to two, then three, etc.  Since it was taking longer to set up the
company my boss offered to fly (at his expense) my SO out for a weekend.  I
declined the offer as our beloved AGEDOG was sick at home and my SO needed
to care for him.  One day at the California office I got a phone call from
the AGEDOG's vet - AGEDOG was desperatly ill and might not live out the
week.  I called my boss and told him of the situation.  The Boss' only
response was "You better come home".  I flew home 6 hours after talking to
the boss.  The first words my boss said to me when I arrived in our Vero
Beach office was "How is the AGEDOG."
To this day the "BOSS" continues to support FFIRCI and FFDRI by allowing me
(Chere McCoy) to take necessary time off to attend the HSUS EXPO's and to
respond with the FFDRI when disaster strikes.
One more thing: If it weren't for the boss there would never have been a
Ferret Friends of Indian River County International or a Ferret Friends
Disaster Response International.  Without the full support of the Boss - the
time off , money, and the total moral support, the something WONDERFUL that
is coming would have come about - but it would have taken (in my estimation)
several more years.
Finally the L.K. ferret is named after the "BOSS" whose loving kindness for
all animals is the greatest I have ever Known.
From Ferret Friends of Indian River County International and Ferret Friends
Disaster Response International:  Thank you Lee K.
Chere McCoy
Founder/Director Ferret Friends Disaster Response International
President, Ferret Friends of Indian River County International
[Posted in FML issue 1520]