Just a few comments and questions.
I've seen a lot of talk about the disadvantages of cat food, and I'd love to
give my kids ferret food.  Problem is, they have a history of bladder
infections, so the vet had me using Purina Special Care cat food.  Well,
after reading the FML, I switched them to MF, and the same week, wouldn't
you know it, both had puffy, red bums!  Should I just keep them on Special
Care (which has been working for the cystitis), or is there a ferret food
that will do the trick?
I've noticed lately that when I give the girls Nutri-Cal, they'll rub their
faces on the carpet.  It doesn't seem to be getting on their faces or
whiskers, so the only thing I can think of is that it's too sweet or sticky
for them (even though they're both addicts).  Anyone else see this in their
Finally, after reading Sue's deletion story, I must share this.  Thelma and
Louise consistently delete things and cause crashes when they get on the
keyboard, but what they did to my camera amazes me more.  I had it on the
bookcase, about 4' up.  They pushed my desk chair over to the bookcase,
climbed the seat, to the arms, to the high back, and must have knocked the
camera down, then returned to the floor and played with it.  They managed to
open the back, exposing the film, and somehow advanced the counter to
"start" without rolling the film back.  As a result, the film was a total
loss, since I couldn't remove it from the camera without exposing the whole
roll.  They must fancy themselves FLO operatives, destroying enemy
surveillance photos of them!
Christine Hamilton
[log in to unmask]
"Ivanova is always right.  I will listen to Ivanova.  I
 will not ignore Ivanova's recommendations.  And if this
 ever happens again, Ivanova will personally rip your
 lungs out!" - The Babylon 5 Mantra
[Posted in FML issue 1519]