I lived in Western Mass (S.Hadley, Springfield, Ashfield) for a long time.
If your ferret has really left the house there is a chance it has approached
people who have taken it in and perhaps given it up to a shelter such as the
MSPCA in Springfield(413-785-1221) or to another local vet.  If it were mine
I would call every possible vet clinic and hospital in the area, put an ad
in the paper, search all papers for possible Found ads, list a reward of
about $200 since ferrets are highly desireable and difficult to find in MASS
right now.  I lost my ferret for 4 hours once when he slipped off the leash.
He came running when I shook a can of cat food near where he happened to be
hiding.  Don't beat yourself up over it, though.  Guilt feelings are natural
but you are obviously caring people and don't deserve to make yourselves
unhappy over a freak mishap.  Don't give up hope.  Your ferret could be warm
and safe somewhere in a shelter or someone's home.  Good idea to search your
house thoroughly.  Turn off all appliances that make noise and walk around
listening very carefully after shaking a can of food.  Listen for struggling
sounds in the walls, ceilings etc.  Maybe even hire a bloodhound (I'm not
joking).  They are used to find missing children.  Talk to all your
neighbors.  A friend lost her ferret which was found by the neighbor's
child.  It bit the child and the child's Dr.  had it tested for rabies.  You
may wish to contact authorities regarding whether any ferrets have been sent
for such testing recently.
My heart goes out to you, and I hope to see a happy post from you soon
telling us your pet has been found safe and sound.
Ferret Wanted:
A friend of mine is hoping to adopt a ferret. If there is anyone in the
Boston area looing for a good home for theirs please give him a call.
(617) 268-9794 Ask for George. Call late evenings.
Kari Lee
Class of 1999, Tufts Vet School
PS. Hi to Rudrich's in Framingham! I did get the info from my vet school
classmate but moved recently and lost it. Hope all is well with your
fuzzies and thanks for thinking of me.
[Posted in FML issue 1519]