First let me say that I fully understand your want for your ferret to be
happy.  Consider this tho please. If you continue to feed Happy Cat and
they later develop medical problems due to it just how HAPPY will the
ferrets be then?
We have to treat these little guys as children and nothing less.  If our
kids had their choice they would eat nothing much other than candy and
sweets.  WE know this is unhealthy for them and do not allow it.  WE choose
what foods are good and then teach them the proper foods to eat for a
lifetime of good health.  WE know they need vaccinations (children and
ferrets) and we force them to have them tho they would most certainly choose
not to.  So in the end we realize that we cannot allow our hearts to rule
our heads when it comes to the welfare and health of our fuzzy kids.  PLEASE
try to switch to a better, healthier and more nutritious food.  Your ferret
will have more energy and feel better over all if they eat the right food.
Letting them eat Happy Cat or any other grocery store food just because they
love it so much is just not the right thing to do for ferrets.  There may be
be some fuss in the beginning but they will adjust and be happier ferrets in
the end.
This is most definitely not a flame just a different way of saying what some
have already said.  Good luck and try the Brewer's Yeast with Garlic to
flavor the new food and the mix of both you make in the beginning.  It just
may encourage them to eat it with less fuss!  I have yet to bring in a new
ferret that didn't immediately chomp into my mixture sprinkled with this
except for OTEE who came from a good home and was just plain depressed at
leaving them and refused ALL food offered, even the generic crap they were
feeding him.  Of course now he chomps away on the good stuff and is a very
happy fellow indeed.:-)
      Kelleen & the INSANE Animal House
[Posted in FML issue 1518]