>From:    Deana Beek <[log in to unmask]>
>Could anyone who has the latest issue of Modern Ferret Magazine tell me
>what kind/color of ferret "Basil" (on page 26) is?
Sorry for the delay.  Had to be working at home (where my copy of the
magazine is and couldn't respond yeasterday as I was busy all day at the
LAFF show.  Actually I spent a good part of the day talking to Eric and Mary
of Modern Ferret.  These are really good folks.  See my next note...  This
Basil is a Sable Siamese.  We specialise in this color/pattern.  Our Entry
in the Breeders Cup at the LAFF show was our line of Sable Siamese.  And two
of our imported English ferrets are this pattern - oh their litter is due
April 3rd.
>From:    Jon Ehlen <[log in to unmask]>
>Can anyone tell me how to subscribe to Modern Ferret and/or other ferret
One of the best ferret newsletters is the "American Ferret Report" from the
American Ferret Association.  A yearly membership entitles you to a years
worth of issues.  They advertise offering a complimentary copy of the AFR if
you send your name, adress and phone number to
   American Ferret Association   PO Box 3986   Frederick MD 21705
To subscribe to Modern Ferret send $24.95 US ($34.95 in FFZ w/
brown wrapper), $34.95 Canada and Mexico or $50.00 worldwide to
   Modern Ferret   PO Box 338   Massapequa Park, NY 11762
(Hi Mary! nice seeing you Saturday)
>From:    Sue Kocher <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Omnivorous ferrets?
>But he disagreed with my statement that ferrets are carnivores, saying:
>>Actually that is far from true. They are omnivores and thrive on finely
>>chopped fruits and vegetables and really like meat. They can survive in
>>the wild which is why California banned them.
>>I can only go by what the ferrets at the Folsom Zoo and San Fransisco Zoo
>>eat and by the recomended diet of Matsura (sp) and Spectrum.
I think he might mean Mazuri (A purposely odd spelling of Missouri where
Purina is headquartered - St. Louis actually).  If he checked the
ingredients of that he'd see it is moslty protiens and fats like all good
carnivores eat.  Does he think My dog is an omnivore because she is willing
to eat Jalapeno Peppers?  Ferrets are carnivores.  They can theoretically
survive in the wild under conditions not met in California.
>From:    [log in to unmask]
>Subject: New Fuzzies/Questions for Shelter Owners & Vets
1>How will I ever keep Eloise from relocating this precious toy?
2>Is Blizzard a good candidate for Duck Soup?  She ate her Iams Kitten, but
> she is *so-o-o-o* skinny
3>Is a lack of balance part of adrenal disease or should I look for
> something more?
4>And should I be more worried about Baby's fat?
5>Could you e-mail me to express an opinion on what I should pay for these
> girls?  Sandee just asked for a donation, and I am unsure of whether I
> offered enough.  I want to be fair.
> They came with one one-level cage with a shelf and hammock.
1. Don't.  These poor creatures have enough problems without having this
   tiny bit of consistency removed.  It doesn't hurt anything.  Let her
   please herself.
2. 'Duck Soup' is usually meant for ferret who have trouble eating solid
   food.  Try to get Totally Ferret for Blizzard.  Gaining the weight too
   quickly could be hard so don't rush it.
3. Lack of balance is a sign of many problems.  Get a vets advice.
4. See if a more active lifestyle solves this problem.  Could have been
   eating out of boredom.
5. I can only tell you what our policy would be.  We would not adopt out a
   sick ferret in the first place.  And would be unlikely to adopt out even
   a healthy 6 year old ferret.  We adopt out pairs of ferrets under two
   years old for $100.  If we needed to find a home for ferret this old we
   would ask no more than $25 or $50 dollars and feel guilty about that.
   Not knowing the cage I can't tell but think another $10 for that is
   probably adequate if definitely well used.  Our shelter is not about
   money.  Not about getting ferrets in and out.  We are about helping out
   ferrets in need.  We operate a shelter because we can afford to.  If we
   couldn't afford it we'd modify our own lifestyle before we started
   begging for donations.  Other folks are permitted their own motives.
>From:    Harold Hawn <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: We Love Our Ferrets
>I have heard quite a lot of debate over rabies shots.  Should they be give
>"dead rabies", or "live rabies" vacination?
There is no decision on ferret rabies vaccines.  Imrab is the ONLY USDA
approved ferret rabies vaccine.  Use no other.  There are no debates on that
that I have ever heard.  There are differences of opinion on distemper
About the LAFF show:
The Loudoun Area Ferret Fanciers held their annaul Ferrets On Parade
championship show Saturday.  Other than one disruptive exhibitor it went of
without a hitch - and that problem will likely be solved.  I judged the
Blaze and Panda specialty ring and feel that this was the among the best
single group of entrants I ever had to judge.  I wish I could have given
them all higher place awards.  We had many many good ferrets in all of the
rings.  One of the most eye catching events though was the debut of Lars
Eriksson's Miller and Tiller, his pair of Angora ferrets.  Really really
eye-catching.  Thanks for bringing them up Lars!
Randy Corbin and Annette Davis's kit won Best in Show Kit (I beleive it was
Dirty Diana bred by Frank Parsons).  I missed who won Best in Show Alter.
Best in Show Breeder was Bill and Glenna Hudson's Jeb Stuart bred by Denise
Edens) A nice Cinnamon/Champagne.
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
[Posted in FML issue 1518]