I have been a member of the list for.. geez.. over 2 years or something..
And every time I have been able to get a ferret.. something has happened..
(Generally standard "College Kid lack of money"....)
Now I am rakin in da dough..  or well..  maybe not..  But I am making a
living :> and I am dying for my chance to finally get a ferret!!!
I live in a 2br apartment..  with a roomate..  and lots of computer
equipment..  which is almost allways open to some extent..  and LOTS of
Thats problem #1.. but I could probably deal with that...
my real problem is my work schedule... I work about 14hrs a day, not
including traffic.
those make for very tired and cranky people :>  my roomate is here about
once every 2-3 weeks.. so that dosent bother me, and wouldnt bother my
But my question is, if I did get a ferret..  I know I would take a week off
so the first week it would see me ALOT..  but then what about after that
first week???  When I am here about 8hrs a day?  Is it fair?  Or should I
just wait until some date in the future when I will be working more
predictable and standard work days?  (I am a computer consultant...  working
in a VERY high stress politically charged atmosphere..  people need stuff
yesterday..  and the result is the 14hr day)
I have no other life really :> Go out on fridays with some friends..  I dont
really drink, so I just make fun of them....  then I come home and keep
myself busy over the weekend..  (and go ride my duck :> )
Any and all advice would be appreciated! (besides "Quitting your job so you
can be home all the time with your fuzzies!!!")
Scot '95 Ducati 900ss/cr - Yoshimura Pipes/Stage II Jetkit/KN Airfilter
                         - And soon a powerbronze dual light system!
[Posted in FML issue 1518]