All the ferts seem to be doing well --- Molly's still rather listless.  She
hasn't eaten (from what we could discern) any solid food for the past two
days, but she's been devouring the Duck Soup and Pedialyte.  Should we be
worried?  We rehydrate her every half hour when we're home with water and
Duck Soup.  Obelix is, as usual, pretending to be sicker than he is when he
wants treat food --- he sighs, rolls around on the floor, looking sad and
limp, but when he sees us approaching with the syringe of Amoxicyllin (sic)
WHOOSH!  off he goes, dooking at us reprovingly.  Mithril, our non MF
petstore ferret, hasn't gotten the greenies yet, or if she has, she's
asymptomatic.  Now that Molly and Obelix are sick, she slinks around, like a
fuzzy silver sausage, and tries to steal nibbles of their food and
medicine(!).  She is really such a pig, though very sweet.  Isn't it strange
that it's always our MF ferrets that get sick??
Wookie is alone in our room in his cage.  He too seems to be in fine fettle,
looking very sorry for himself when he catches a glimpse of the other
ferrets, and spending most of his time either taking a nap, playing with us,
or playing with his toys.  He's very sweet, but we're keeping him separated
from the other ferts until his hormones calm down and he decides they're not
potential harem girls (Obelix included!).  Anyone know how long it takes for
a newly neutered ferret to stop having masculine urges??
We're also thinking of constructing a Plexiglass enclosure (like a corral)
for them instead of a cage --- we're moving in late August, and our new
bedroom is about 1 1/4 larger than our current one, so we might just build a
large corral (5' x 5', 3' tall?) for them to stay in when we're not home.
The floor would be covered with a sheet of linoleum and their blue rug.  Are
there any disadvantages in keeping them in one of these instead of a cage?
Which is better?
                       Anna & Martin G.-R.
[Posted in FML issue 1517]