Fortunately I have not encountered this problem as of this time.  I
certainly do understand your anger and being upset.  We all feel that way
when something bad happens due to another's negligence and probably moreso
if it is someone highly trained such as a human doctor or a vet.  So take a
deep breath now that she is doing so well and concentrate and making your
case to the co..  As you said, only so they will become more aware of these
problems and take measures to correct them.  Unfortunately we do have to hit
big companies in the pocketbook usually to get their attention.  So that
leaves making them pay for all the expenses and who knows, maybe some for
pain and suffering for little Sammy so you can buy new toys<G>!  I think
that sounds fair.  LOL!  Good luck in your fight!  Me and my Insane 10 and
crazy 2 (the doglets) and the sheltered 3 are behind you in this.  The
certified letter would be a good start and you might just mention in it that
if they are unwilling to work fairly with you on this matter that you will
have to seek legal advice.  You have the guarantee so they should pay up or
they are going against the law.  GOOD LUCK AGAIN!!!
       Kelleen & the INSANE Animal House
[Posted in FML issue 1495]