The apology first.  I have had so many requests for information about ferret
Sound & Art stuff on the Internet that I have been putting together an HTML
file to send out to anyone that requests it.  It's a file that you'll be
able to open from Netscape and if you're on-line with the Internet, a single
click will 'ferret' out the web page you're looking for.  (Yes, that pun was
intentional).  So far, I'm up to 15 web pages that have sounds and/or
graphics.  I'm only testing it with Netscape as the browser (sorry for you
other guys), but it's pretty basic, so it should work with any browser.
Anyway, the point of this is that I've lost a couple of messages from people
asking for Ferret clip art and/or sound file type web sites.  If you done
sent me such a message askin' fer web sites to get sound or clip art havin'
ta do with ferts, please re-send it.  If you ain't sent such a request and
want it anyways, just go right ahead and send a request, 'causin' since I
was so stupid & threw away a whole bunch a' mail, I couldn't tell which of
those requests was new or re-sends.  Anyway, if'n there ain't a whole bunch
a good golf shows on TV this weekend, and these fuzz-butts'll leave me alone
for more than a few minutes, I'll have this ol' ferret link file thingie all
done by Sunday and be able to send it out to any ferret-type person that
wants it.
Now to be kinda serious for a minute; In real life I really am a computer
consultant.  And even though I get paid pretty good money to *RE*-teach the
same thing over and over and over, I'd much rather teach something once and
have my clients learn something new that they can teach ME next week.  So
here goes:
If you can't wait 'til Sunday (after the golf shows, you thought I was
kiddin' didn't you?), go into your browser and go to this page:
From there, type in "Ferret Sound" or "Ferret Art" (depending upon your
interest) and click on "SEARCH:".  Some of the answers you'll get back fit,
some don't.  But, believe me you'll be surprised at what you find.  Almost
every little funny graphic you'll find is "captureable".  If you don't know
how, e-mail me and I'll tell you how to "hidey-hole" it on your disk.
Always hoping we bring a smile and occasionally educate,
The ferts
(with the $100 bill story, if you ain't heard that one you need to ask),
and the human,
Ken & Missy & Bilbo
[Posted in FML issue 1495]