>From:    Sue Kocher <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Protein source?
>Can anyone recommend a good palatable protein source that I am likely to be
>able to find in Turkey? (the country, not the fowl!)
You mentioned being able to get Iam's Cat food...  Kitten is better but
Iam's cat food is definitely suitable.  It is our base food.  If we could
afford it we'd use Totally Ferret for all of our ferrets but it is too
costly when you go through 2 twenty pound bags of food a week.  It will be
fine for most ferrets.  We use TF to supplement some but using egg or meat
sources (such as beef heart) will make up the difference for those that
really need the extra.
Eggs are fine.  Hard boiled are also fun to watch them eat.
>From:    Dee McNally <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Ferret weight; food
>I have noticed several comments that male ferrets should weigh or do weigh
>around 3-5 pounds.  My Alexander weighs about a pound, and has ever since we
>have had him.
Early altered ferrets (pet store) weigh less than whole or late altered hobs.
Drop the Happy Cat.  Go to a better food like Iams or Pro Plan, but even
better Totally Ferret, 8in1 or Mazuri.  Weight should pick up some which I
expect would be better.  1 1/2 or more is more expected for an early
altered male.  If you get the food in a grocery store it probably has too
much filler for the high metabolism rate of ferrets (simple not thorough
>From:    Jennifer Sheriff <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Being Stepped on....HELP!
Please go see a vet.  Internal damage isn't easy to see.  And obviously
something is wrong.
>From:    Heather Moore <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: boarders in VA?, aspen shavings
>Is there anyone in Virginia, near the Springfield area, who boards ferrets?
I'm sure there are several that would.  We're a bit farther south in
Woodbridge but would be willing.
>Also, I know that cedar and pine shavings are not good bedding materials
>for ferrets, but are aspen shavings okay?
Aspen is what we usually try to recommend pet stores change to from pine.
Better would be no shavings but pet stores like the clean up of shavings
I've discovered.  Also absorbs some of that unique (for pets) aroma.  If a
store is using aspen its probably a store that does pay attention.
It probably has some dust problems but not the aromatic oils from the
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
[Posted in FML issue 1516]