Help me, my friends,
Can anyone recommend a good palatable protein source that I am likely to be
able to find in Turkey? (the country, not the fowl!)
I have long run out of Iams kitten food that I brought with me to Turkey,
and the stuff my brother brought over (some attempt at commercial ferret
pellets) was SO bad no ferret would eat it.
I can get Iams cat food and various other cheaper cat foods, but 30-31% is
the max protein available, and ferret experts recommend  around 40%, right?
There is NO kitten food for sale in any pet shop I've visited in Istanbul.
I can't remember the details I heard about feeding eggs to ferrets --
something about a substance in the RAW yolk or white that is toxic to
ferrets.  Rikki will eat small amounts of both yolk and white, cooked, if I
hand feed him.  Is this cool?  Will it make up the deficit?
So is egg protein a good supplement for an otherwise fairly-low protein
diet?  Any other ideas?  Getting in the extra fat is easier (I assume a dot
of butter, Ferretone, vegetable oil, etc.  daily will do that?).
Rikki seems just fine--but in reading lately about the long-term effects of
a low-grade diet, I sure don't want my baby to suffer any risk!
Sue Kocher
Koc University   email: [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 1515]