*****FLO Activity Report*****
Commander Katie Reporting.......Made first contact with CKP agent, Brandy
Dog, today. Mom took me for a walk OUTSIDE! now that the weather (whatever
that is) is nice.  I got to tunnel through the grass, and explore the Iris
Patch. While out in the yard I came face-to-face with Agent Brandy. We
sniffed noses (and she sniffed my bottom) while Mom told her to be nice.
Then I showed her my "Lets Play" dance, and she gave me a sideways "What the
hell is that supposed to be" kind of look and went to hide under the porch.
I guess that means we won't be allies, but it seems like there is a truce in
effect. Thats good because she is way bigger than me. Oh well, it was very
nice to get outside, so no loss.
Commander Katie Out.
***To ***Alpha General Rowdy and All FLO Officers & Agents***
Mom Brought it to my attention that there is a serious lack of FLO
representation on the TV thing.  She said she was going to Video tape me
performing FLO maneuvers, and send this tape to that Funniest Home Video
show.  I thought this would make a great plan for advancement of the Flo in
general.  If this show recieved tons of videos of FLO agents in action, they
could not ignore us!!  Wha'da'ya think guys?  LONG LIVE THE FLO!!!
Comander Katie Over & Out!
Some times I wonder where she gets these brainstorms?! Ferts will be ferts.
Amy & Katie
"Here's Dookin' at you Kit"
[Posted in FML issue 1514]