I would like to say a public "THANK YOU VERY MUCH!" to Trish Curtis of
Ferrets First Shelter in Weatherford, TX and to her rescue coordinator Eydie
Fox in Carlsbad, NM.  Because of them, I now have two more woozles to love!
A couple weeks ago, Eydie rescued a pair of albino ferrets in Roswell.  They
had been passed around several times within the last few months, kept in a
small ?parrot?  cage, and fed ??Cat Cafe??  all of their lives.  Needless to
say, they weren't in the best condition.  The male is about 2 1/2 yrs old,
but acts like an old ferret because of long-term malnutrition.  (Want a good
reason to feed quality food to your critters?  here's one...) The female is
no more than 1 1/2 years old, and in better health, though they're both
seriously underweight.  Eydie has fussed and loved on these two critters
since picking them up, giving them probably the first real chance to
exercise and behave like real ferrets they've ever had.  She works closely
with Trish on the rescues, and Trish "just happened" (hah) to mention these
critters to me during an AOL chat a couple of Saturdays ago....  They came
home with us on Monday.
Dr. Klein is optimistic about their recovery; they're on amoxi-drops for an
infection, and B12 to help boost their appetite / immune systems.  They're
now eating a mix of MF/Mazuri/Iams, Gerber's Turkey, and FerretVite, and had
enough energy to explore the house at a run this morning.
My other four know "something's going on" in the den, and these two know
there are more ferrets behind *that* door... proper introductions will be
made in a few days, when these two are feeling a little stronger.
I think I need to get my husband to the doctor - he's looking a little
glassy-eyed lately...
Carla & the Woozlemaniacs
Litje, Turlough, Gaoth, Quidni
& introducing:  Finn MacCumhail (pron. MacCool) and Siobhan (pron. sheVON)
[Posted in FML issue 1514]