Hi all....
Many thanks to those who wrote me with advice for Freud.  My dad eventually
took him to a vet in Plesant Hills, PA (anyone know of the ppl at the vet
hospital there?) and he is doing better.  The vet said that he had a virus
or something and gave him antibiotics.  The thing is, when I woke up on
Saturday morning, he was doing better, and by Monday morning he was almost
back to normal.  Wierd, huh?
Well, on to my next item, which is in the form of a plea.
Legend is such a handfull.  I have here here at school with me in my
apartement.  I let her out of her cage (2 stories, with a ramp and plenty of
room and toys) as often as I possibly can.  I can't let her run all day long
as I would like to because she gets into everything.  She can get onto my
bed and up on to my desk.  She knocked down a shelf (yes, the WHOLE shelf)
that was in the corner above my bed.  PLUS--she bites HARD!  I have tried
everything that the FAQ says to, from the finger in the mouth thing to
tapping heron the nose to putting her back in her cage for a bit.  Nothing
phases this animal.  She gets back out and bites harder.  My fiance is
coming up in 2 weeks to get her and I would like to have her better trained
by then.  What else can I do?  I give her treats when she is good, too.  She
never seems to tire out either.  After a good hour or so of playing, I go to
put her back in the cage, and she runs around in it for a while trying to
pull the door open with her teeth!
Another thing---how often should I change her litter?  I have one of those
corner pans, and, after a day or so, she stops using it and uses the other
corner in the cage.  She is making a mess.  And, when I clean her cage, what
can I use to get the smell off so that she doesn't asociate that corner with
doing her business?
I had no idea that she was going to be this difficult to train.  *Sigh* But
she is so darned cute!
Anyway, let me know if you have any advice for me, which I am desperatley
hoping someone has. You can e mail me directly if you prefer.
For the love of the fert...
Jessie, a much better Freud and a little pain named Legend
PS: Is Marshall Farms ferret food better for them than KayTee?  I am
currently using KayTee, and just found a store that sells MF.
[Posted in FML issue 1514]