I have a 5 1/2 year old descented and nuetered male ferret that is
exhibiting hair loss in a pattern I believe symptomatic of adrenal insuloma.
The vet took a urine sample today for a cortisol/creatinine (I think) ratio
and I'll know pretty much for sure in a few days.  I recall past discussions
about treatment and am willing to consider surgery if necessary but I'd like
to find out more about Metadine (sp?).  This has been used on dogs I believe
to shrink adrenal tissue and tumors and I think some discussion on it here
happened also.  My vet knows of the medication but has little or no
experience using it with ferrets.  Could someone point me to past issues of
the list that might have any information.  Also I would welcome comments
from anyone with experience using the drug on ferrets.  Any info on dosages,
contra-indications, side-effects and efficacy would be welcomed.  Many
thanks in advance!
[Posted in FML issue 1513]