I can't find the posting, but someone wrote about thinking Totally Ferret
(or was it Marshall Farms) food was causing runny stools.  I happened to
notice that they also mentioned they might be a little heavy-handed serving
treats.  I suffered from the problem in feeding my girls Linatone, which
made their stools runny until I backed off.  This person mentioned Linatone
as one of their treats, so I guess I'd suggest easing up on that and seeing
what happens.
I've never bought Marshall Farms food because I don't want to support their
practices (not to mention I haven't run across it on the West Coast).  I've
never heard anyone mention not buying it for this reason, though.  I don't
know what MF people do in their breeding facilities, but I do know what they
do in shipping ferrets, and I don't like what I've heard first hand.
There's some things I do know for fact about their practices (such as early
spaying/neuterig), that warrant me not supporting their endeavors.  For me,
there's enough good food out there to skip food bearing their name, whether
or not it goes toward funding them.
Just had to say that (sorry BIG, don't want to start another Marshall Farms
flame fest).
Lynn Mc. and her ravenous Gang of Seven (currently dining on Lavian mixed
with high-quality cat and kitten foods)
By the way.  I know many people mix ferret chows, such as Mazuri and Lavian
with high-quality cat foods.  Should only high-quality kitten or
growth-formula cat foods be used (mixed with ferrt chow), as opposed to
maintenance cat foods, to keep the protein/fat levels high enough for
ferrets?  Or should the growth cat formula/ferret chow mixture be reserved
for nursing, pregnant, old, and young ferrets.
Thank you,  Lynn Mc.
[Posted in FML issue 1473]