Hello, Im a proud new owner of a 12 week old ferret.
Well any way, I am constainly hearing reffecences to "Bitter Apple", so what
is Bitter Apple?  I thought it might be something like a baking ingreadent
or something.
Also, what are good treats for ferrets, I heard they can eat fruit and
veggies in small quantities, so I tried, sliced apples, rainsons, cat
treats, bannanas, carrots, and even cumumbers, but he wont eat any of them.
If possible please send the message directly to me, due to the fact I want
to try to keep the lenght of the Listserve down.
By the way I currently feed him Ism cat food?  I think I spelled that right.
And to my suprise he has had only 1 accedent so far, in the two weeks I have
owned him.  He's such a good little boy.  Exept when he whats to play when
I what to sleep, but no bodys perffect.  Except of me of course.  ( just
kidding , no really I was )
Thanks In Advance...