I was just curious what everyone thought about heartworm preventative.
Trillian and Zaphod get their dose every month--I always saw it as one of
those things I just wouldn't want to take a chance with.  I can't recall
anyone mentioning anything about heartworm prev.  so I was just curious how
many of you are using it.
And for those who are...do your fuzzies put up as much of a fight as mine?
I feel so bad because I know they just despise the stuff, but it is for
their own safety (I sound like my mom).  We try to go slow when we give them
their dose because I don't want them to aspirate (if I have the right term)
it.  Any tips on how to make the first of every month more pleasant for my
little sweeties?
BTW we're moving tomorrow and Saturday...wish us luck!  Hopefully things
will go smoothly for Trill and Z.  As long as they don't try to "help" us
move we should be fine :)
         Yumm... Linatone!            Yumm... Raisins!
  "---"  /                     "---"  /
 (=o=o=)                      (=o"o=)
   \o/   _---_                  \*/   _---_
   /=\__/     \______           / \__/     \______
  _|_|----_|_|------           _|_|----_|_|------
      Trillian                       Zaphod
[Posted in FML issue 1464]