I saw a bag of "Kaytee Forti-Diet Ferret Food" today at Petsmart.  Don't
recall this one mentioned in the FML.  Has anyone had experience with it?
Maximilian is on a standard diet of "8 in 1 Advanced Nutrition Diet", but
thought I might try Kaytee for some variety in his diet.  The 2nd ingredient
listed is fish meal, which causes me a little dispepsia about the amount of
ash content (amt.  not listed).  I won't try it until I hear from some of
the wise sages out there.
Thanx for your advice!
C.B. and Max
P.S. BIG, thanks again for your help with the suggestion for a more powerful
viewer.  I was really having problems - new computer, new software, new
internet connection, Max tugging on my shoelaces, and all on a Sunday
morning to boot.  (BTW, Max got the shoe)!  You saved me lots of headaches.
[Posted in FML issue 1484]